So there's a lot going on in the house - well anything but actual sewing. What's going on? Just a lot of enjoying the company of my little ones and the great outdoors I guess.
Here's a little of the action - haha trying to put in some craft related activities.
Playing 'Hide' with the cloth napkins.
Ummm aren't those suppose to be for your face not ON TOP OF YOUR HEAD! I'm glad to see these things are having multiple purposes in our house.
Oh there's Silas!
Where's that cute little kid? Oh there he is! Take a close look at that bid he's wearing - 100% organic cotton. Think they sell them at specialty shops - I got it as a sample freebie from work.
Organization of Fabrics CONTINUES!
I have 3 of these piles. Project Fabric Organization is well on it's way. I think I have another 3 piles to complete then I could...GET MORE FABRIC! :P
And of course there's always the great outdoors. Here's the kids enjoying some peach picking at a nearby peach orchard. The verdict? Love! They could not get enough of these super sweet, super ripe, delicious peaches right off the tree. We managed to bring home 10 lbs of these without the kids eating them all up.
Ummm who's counting? Is that 5 each? 10? Who knows???
Nothing like the fresh smell of summer fruits. Here's to a wonderful summer and happy quilting! I promise I'll actually do some quilting next post :P.
1 comment:
Your boys look so happy - that means you are a great Mom!
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